Salam alaykom from the pregnancy war zone !!!
I say that with a good humor ( or trying too lol)They say the second trimester is supposed to be less of an emotional roller coaster..but I don't feel it yet ! May Allah have mercy on my husband hehe.
So like the photo u see here is of the baby :). had it on Friday, Al hamdullilah.
was quite the day. phew.!!
first...Hubby dropped me and my 14 yr old son at the front door of the hospital. We went in while he would park and meet up with us. Too far for me to walk with this sore foot from the parking area. Anyhow... Nick and I were waiting...and waiting.. Hubby was taking so long.. called cell and he said..hunny.. I just had a little accident and the guy is insisting on waiting for police to make report for insurance.. I am so sorry....
I said oh dear... ok.. try to hurry and I will try to stall best I can....
So my 14 yr old gentleman...masha'allah...he took charge.. took mommy's purse for her.. and took me to sit down..and he checked me in...showed me changing room...then to the waiting room. Asked if I wanted him to go help Hubby or stay.. I said better stay..I don;t want you to miss seeing the baby too! We told the nurse what was going on and to try best to stall until hubby got there. Then about 1 min before they called my name he showed up al l. But he was so upset...Imagine..after 3 yrs... 1 waiting for me to make it to him and the other 2 married and waiting for him to to finally have started our family and he has to miss the first ultrasound. But al hamdulillah.. Allah made it possible.
Baby moves a LOT...hard for the technician to get a picture of anything. hehee.. Masha'allah. My 14 yr old was amazed. I was looking at him and remembering not too long ago.. I was seeing him the same way for the first time. Isn't it amazing that he can be there now? Course..i started to cry lol.
My Daughter , 12 did not want to come. She said Babies in the tummy are gross. Ones outside are ok..but I think it's gross. Anyway, they only allowed me to have 2 ppl come along.
We were not able to tell the gender of baby much. Baby had the cord between legs AND the legs crossed. But the Tech had a few seconds of viewing time and said she did not see a penis... and if there was one. it would've shown. So most likely a girl. I wish I knew definitely.. cause I wanna start buying things !! lol Anyway.. gonna be a surprise whether we want it or not ehn?
The tech took all measurements. Which was not easy cause this baby is smart and doesn't seem to appreciate being poked and prodded hehe. Everything is there and proportioned correctly., heart beats great and brain is right size. So healthy baby al hamdullilah. That is really the most important. They spent a lot of time checking out the spine. Which kinda scared me a bit. but In the end the doc said everything is great.
Does anyone have any ideas about a lullaby for our new bundle?
I was thinking this song...
But would like to know if anyone has any islamic ones?
jazak'allah khair
Salsm for now!!
Important book launch in Fes
10 months ago
I love your blog. May you continue to learn more this wonderful religion.
Incha'allah :) that's what life is all about right?
Thank you for your kind comments.
Would you happen to know any nasheeds or Islamic Lullabies?
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