Assalaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu
Hi everyone.. I am sory that I have not writen's for a few reasons... one being that working 4 days a week and coming home to a LOT of housewok has made me exhausted. The othr is..I am jsut in too much pain to talk about it.
Baby girl turned one Masha'Allah and my Children are the light of my life , Al hamdullilah.
Lovin my Job..
Missing my Grammy... a lot...
Missing my freinds... A lot...
Missing swimming a lot...
Missing the forest A lot...
Missing rivers too much....
So ya..just praying and trying to be patient and have Sabr... keep us in ur Duaas plz...
oh and discovered Maher Zain.... good music...
Important book launch in Fes
10 months ago
Oh, Anisah, I'm sorry things are so-so... At least you have a job you love and children you adore... If there's anything, you can contact me. I'm very available on Facebook and e-mail and you have my number (right?) You know I sometimes have similar things going on so I'm there if you need to talk!
Karbear Im here for you when you need to talk, cry or anything all you have to do is call. Trust Allah, turn to him in prayer and always put him first and inshAllah you will be rewarded. You and your family are always in prayers, thoughts and hearts. Love you girl.
Salam alaikom,
Pain? I'm sorry, I wish things were better for you. :( I hear you about the working + housework. I haven't been doing much but work lately. I'm exhausted, too... It bothers me to hear you are in any sort of pain because you are a lovely person who deserves peace. Insha'Allah, things improve for you... and you get some extra sleep!
Aslamu alakum
i am sorry to read about your pain. life is full of hardships and ease. Alahmduilah for all the lovely things in your life, Allah does not burden us beyond our abilty, remind ourself this sister and you will see happier days soon. InshaAllah all you have lost will be replaced with better. Hang in there with the sabr and talk about it as holding all inside heavy's the heart and hurts the soul. Allah say's in the qur'aan we will all be tested, with loss of wealth, health, loved ones and much more. Hardships shape a person, we need hardship to make us stronger, its all blessings sister. Also when you feel sad think of all the blessings you have and how so many don't even have the basics, even to smile alhamduilah , shur allah. May allah protect you and give you that inner peace ameen.
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